Molek Dessert

Our Story

Our Story

We are a team of zealous, fun-loving and creative bakers brought together by our shared passion for baking tasteful and artsy cakes. Our journey started from (literally) Sarah’s loft, where we experimented with cake recipes and baking for loved ones. We were curious about the endless possibilities that baking has to offer. Slowly, what started out as a home project turned into a full-time commitment. And thus, Sarah’s Loft was born!


Here at Molek Dessert’s, we specialise in crafting customised cakes for birthdays, weddings and all sorts of special occasions. Genuinity and authenticity in our cake design is what we pride ourselves in. At the same time, we continue to work relentlessly on our recipe to bring forth good tasting cakes for your precious moment, to create beautiful memories with you.

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